
These are a few things I teach or develop. For course material related to the courses, please check the description for more details.

I started teaching introductory statistics at Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo since early 2023. I aim to make basic data skills and statistics accessible to health researchers, by combining modern data science tools (R, quarto, version control) with hands-on practice in my class.

In my free time I volunteer in the Carpentries workshops to teach Rstats to researchers and students at UiO.


Title Description
ERN4110 Statistics for master students in nutrition
MED3007 Statistical Principles in Genomics
MF9130/MF9130E Introductory course in statistics
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Title Description type
Oslo Bioinformatics Week Machine Learning principles for small and noisy biomedical data bioinformatics
R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis Software carpentry course for introductory R rstats
Zero to Quarto Workshop Zurich R Ladies workshop quarto
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Guides and Cheatsheets

Title Description
ggplot2 Lecture notes for ggplot2 at the Carpentries workshop, UiO
list of commands Quick reference list of R commands used in my statistics classes