I am a statistician, R developer and part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. Over the past few years, I’ve become very interested in research software, open source and data science practices in education and public sector.

My interests are:

I have a MSc in Statistics from Imperial College London in 2016. Then I moved to Norway to do my PhD and some hiking. I obtained my PhD (thesis: Representation and Utilization of hospital Electronic Health Records data) at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo in 2022. I am still working on EHR and antibiotics related projects, and I develop ggehr, a ggplot2 extension to visualizing EHR data.

Shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic started in 2020, I joined Norwegian Institute of Public Health as a data scientist (R developer + statistician) for the open source real-time analysis and public health surveillance system, Sykdomspulsen (now CSIDS). I am one of a founding members of CSIDS, the Consortium for Statistics in Disease Surveillance, where we build open source software for public health surveillance.

Sometimes I teach statistics courses (MF9130, MF9130E, ERN4110) at Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology (OCBE), University of Oslo. As a certified Carpentries instructor, I also teach and help with R programming at the Carpentries workshops at University of Oslo. In 2023, I lead the transition of medical statistics classroom of MF9130E into open-source (read more).

I am an active member of Oslo User R group and Oslo R ladies group. I give talks and host workshops to learn and share.

In the past 11 years I have lived in the UK and Norway (7+ years). I speak English, Norwegian and Chinese, and trying to learn Italian. I like outdoor activities, and most likely I am spending my summer in the mountains.