
Real World Data and Public health

My main research interest is hospital Electronic Health Records and large health registry data. My PhD (completed in 2022) focused on representation and utilization of hospital EHR data. I am currently working on quality assurance of the prescription and use of antibiotics in a hospital setting, and an R package ggehr to facilitate the exploration of EHR data.

In 2020-2022, I worked at Norwegian Institute of Public Health during Covid-19 pandemic. I helped develop Sykdomspulsen (now CSIDS), a real-time infectious disease surveillance and real-time large scale reporting with open source technology.

Since 2023, I joined NOR-Eden and Norkost projects at University of Oslo. I help develop a set of R tools to facilitate sustainable diet design, noreden.

Open source data science in healthcare

I work on open source data science projects with healthcare applications. I am the developer of MF9310E quarto website, leading the transition of teaching university biostatistics courses using R and Quarto. I’m also a co-lead of the PHUSE CAMIS project.