Inference and models
Different settings to apply methods.
Title | Description |
Real-world Data, Real-world Evidence | RWD, RWE |
Genomics in Drug Discovery | Use of machine learning techniques |
Antibiotics | Background of antimicrobial drugs and resistance |
RWD EHR Vendor Engagement | Overview of vendor engagement |
Nutritional Epidemiology | About Food |
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Study design
- Survey
- Clinical trial design
- Phase I, II, III
- adaptive design
- Sample size calculation
- comparing a few groups (visualization TBD)
- regression (LR, GLM)
- more advanced model (e.g. GLMM)
Title | Description |
Clinical trial design: overview | Notes related to clinical trial design. |
Sample size (part I) | Overview, mean and proportion comparison |
Sample size (part II) | Regression |
Adaptive design: overview | Intro to adaptive design |
Survey, stratification | Survey sampling |
Study design and statistical inference | Terminology and examples |
Observational study design | Cohort, case control and related metrics |
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Causal inference
Title | Description |
Effects and Estimands | Collider, confounder, mediator and M-bias |
General techniques | (to be integrated) |
G-Computation | G-Computation |
Notes from book: What If (Part 1) | Causal inference notes: chapter 1 to 10 |
Notes from book: What if (Part 2) | IP weighting, standardization (g-computation) |
Notes from book: What if (Part 3) | Outcome regression, propensity score |
Notes from book: What if (Part x) | Instrumental variables |
Matching | Overview of matching techniques |
Causal Inference in Data Science | Some topics that need to be reviewed |
Causal Inference in Aggregated Time Series | BSTS, ITS, Synthetic Control, difference-in-difference |
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Title | Description |
Regression | Linear, logistic, Cox proportional hazard |
Mixed models for repeted measurements | Resources: |
Survival | Links |
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Other topics
Topics on inference in general, missing value handling
Title | Description |
Missing data and imputation | Overview of multiple imputation |
Multiple imputation in R |
MICE , regression, PMM
Intervals | Confidence, credible and prediction intervals |
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Case studies
Title | Description |
Length of hospital stay: Part I | Part 1: EDA |
Length of hospital stay: Part II | Part 2: time-to-event analysis |
Linear regression example: prestige | Linear regression |
Logistic regression example: lung | Logistic regression |
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Interview preparation
Title | Description |
Interview: clinical trial statistician | Knowledge framework |
Interview: behavior | List of questions |
Interview: statistics used in my work | Case studies |
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