
Causal inference

Overview of matching techniques


Chi Zhang


August 23, 2024

This overview summary is based on the review paper Stuart 2010: Matching methods for causal inference: a review and a look forward

Goal of matching: choosing well-matched samples of the original groups to reduce confounding - acquire treatment and control groups with similar covariate distributions.

Alternatives to matching: adjust for covariates in a regression model, instrumental variables, structural equation modeling etc.

Benefits of matching:

Two settings to use matching:

(note that the outcomes are usually not used even when they are available)

History of matching methods

Steps to implement matching methods

  1. Define closeness: distance measure used to determine whether an individual is a good match for another
  2. implement a matching method
  3. assess the quality of a matching method. Might require iteration of step 1 and 2
  4. analyse the outcome given the matched data

Step 1: define closeness

Step 2: implement matching

nearest neighbor matching

Subclassification, full matching, weighting

Step 3: diagnose matches

Step 4: analysis of the outcome

Vignette: Estimating effects after matching by Noah Greifer

Matching (old notes)

Exact matching:

  • perfect covariate balance; \(F(X_i|T_i = 1) = F(X_i|T_i=0)\)
  • infeasible when covariate is continuous, and when there are many covariates.

Probability of receiving treatment, \(\pi(X_i) = P(T_i = 1 | X_i)\)

Matching based on distance measures

  • Mahalanobis distance
  • Estimated propensity score, \(D(X_i, X_j) = |P(T_i = 1|X_i) - P(T_j=1 | X_j)|\)

Check covariate balance

  • ideally compare joint distribution of all covariates
  • practically check lower-dimensional summaries (standardized mean difference, variance ratio, empirical CDF difference)

Balance test

Matching would reduce number of observations


MatchIt package

PS matching is ONE of the many matching techniques that uses PS as the difference.
