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Compute standardised contribution per unit for each tag_outcome, based on standardise coefficients.


compute_std_unit_contrib(uc_raw, std_coef)



A dataframe where contribution per unit for each tag_outcome is stored.


Standardise coefficients for each tag_outcome, stored as a dataframe.


A list of outputs:

  • uc_raw stores the original values of contribution per unit for each food and tag_outcome

  • std_coef standardise coefficients used to compute the standardized contribution per unit

  • uc_std stores the standardised values of contribution per unit


cpu_selected <- select_perunit(data_perunit_contrib = contrib_per_unit, 
                        tag_food = c('Bread', 'Vegetables', 'Red meat'), 
                        tag_outcome = c('energy', 'protein', 'ghge'))
coefs <- compute_stdcoef(data_perunit_contrib = cpu_selected)
compute_std_unit_contrib(uc_raw = cpu_selected, std_coef = coefs$std_coef)
#> $uc_raw
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   food_name  energy protein    ghge
#>   <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 Bread       10.7   0.0912 0.00107
#> 2 Vegetables   1.57  0.0149 0.00103
#> 3 Red meat     8.34  0.173  0.0129 
#> $std_coef
#>   tag_outcome    std_coef
#> 1      energy   0.2109576
#> 2     protein  12.6767653
#> 3        ghge 145.6722840
#> $uc_std
#>    food_name    energy   protein      ghge
#> 1      Bread 2.2563085 1.1563754 0.1558693
#> 2 Vegetables 0.3302183 0.1885935 0.1500425
#> 3   Red meat 1.7597741 2.1882512 1.8849994