R package: tests


Notes on tests, with the use of testthat package


Chi Zhang


October 3, 2023

Useful references:

Unit test: tests whether your function returns values as expected.


Example situations:

Use testthat in a package

1. Initialize

Create tests/testthat/ directory


This creates the directory with

  • an empty folder testthat where you write your tests
  • an R script testthat.R where tests are run when R CMD check is run. Do not modify this file.

2. Create a test

Test files must have names that start with test. For example, a function is R/fn_name.R, then test is tests/testthat/test-fn_name.R.


3. Run a test

  • testthat::test_file('tests/testthat/test-foofy.R')
  • Run Tests button
  • devtools::test() for entire test suite. Cmd + Shift + T
  • devtools::check()
A workflow worked for me
  1. Create a simple function
  2. Create a test file immediately, with clear naming. Inside this test file, can write various tests for the same function.
  • have at least a test that expects the correct result (expect_identical() or else)
  • have at least a test that expects error, (expect_error()). Inside the original function, error should be thrown by rlang::abort().
  1. Run test
  2. Run test coverage, covr::package_coverage() or covr::code_coverage()
  3. Check